The Situation
The nonprofit sector is an important economic driver, employing more than 10% of the nation’s private workforce. Nonprofits require specialized collaborators able to work efficiently and knowledgably within the sector.
The Improve Group’s client, Nonprofit HR, is the only full-service consulting firm dedicated exclusively to meeting the human resources needs of nonprofit organizations. Its Nonprofit Employment Practices Survey™ provides an annual snapshot of current employment practices and economic trends within the nonprofit sector. Over multiple years, Nonprofit HR has relied on our team to ensure the accuracy and quality of the survey’s design, administration and analysis. This gives the Improve Group unprecedented access to HR issues facing nonprofits today.
The Solution
Originally consulted in 2012, the Improve Group has refined this survey to gather data on new and emerging trends about nonprofit staffing, recruitment, and retention practices, while maintaining consistency to allow analysis of trends.
To achieve optimal results, we have:
- Designed a streamlined, efficient survey process.
- Administered the survey to nonprofit organizations across the United States.
- Increased response rates.
- Interviewed nonprofit Human Resources managers to gather additional qualitative data.
- Used rigorous analysis methods to identify key trends in nonprofit employment.
- Designed a comprehensive, graphics-rich report valuable for both a specialized and broad audience.
The Results
Trends identified through the data collection, analysis and reporting services we provide to Nonprofit HR help nonprofit leaders to:
- Anticipate the current and future talent needs of their sector.
- Plan for evolutions within the nonprofit landscape.
After working with Nonprofit HR on a marketing plan to ensure a broad audience, the full report was published by Huffington Post, AARP and elsewhere. The 2015 report will be published in the near future.
Results of the most recent study can be viewed here: