Professional Experience
The Improve Group | St. Paul, MN | Senior Consultant | 2024-present | Plans, leads, and implements project activities to make the most of information, navigate complexity, and ensure clients’ investments of time and money lead to meaningful, sustained impact.
The Improve Group | St. Paul, MN | Associate Consultant | 2020-2024 | Worked collaboratively with project teams to execute activities.
University of Minnesota Duluth – Cultural Entrepreneurship Program Capstone | Duluth, MN | 2019-20 | Consultant | Worked in a team with two graduate colleagues to develop processes and tools as resources to guide future work to conceptualize Duluth’s creative economy.
Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH) | Kathmandu, Nepal | 2019 | Development Practitioner | Supported WATCH to further self-sustainable rural community development by conducting qualitative evaluation of Poverty to Prosperity microcredit program.
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities | Minneapolis, MN | Senior Data Processing Representative | 2017-19 | Ensured efficient and smooth data processing in a variety of programs while providing customer service to customers, members, and program and branch staff to support the YMCA in its mission of improving health and wellbeing for all ages.
Minnesota Children’s Museum | St. Paul, MN | Museum Education Associate | 2016-17 | Provided customer service to visitors and interactive play with children to foster the museum’s educational philosophy.
Everybody In | Twin Cities, MN | Research Analyst | 2015-17 | Conducted data analysis and evaluation to provide insight through a racial equity lens on specific projects working to eliminate employment disparities.
Goodwill-Easter Seals | Twin Cities, MN | Employment Research & Evaluation Coordinator AmeriCorps VISTA | Extended and coordinated the efforts of a 3-year goal in Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota’s workforce development services and programs to reduce racial employment disparities in Minnesota.
University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs | Master of Development Practice
College of Saint Benedict | Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Want to learn more about Kia? Check out their full resume here!